Graphpad student
Graphpad student

graphpad student

Mathematica – One of the statistics packages made available by the University, Mathematica is a computational software program used in scientific, engineering, and mathematical fields and other areas of technical computing.

graphpad student

Get GenStat (staff) or get GenStat (students).

graphpad student

GenStat – One of the statistics packages made available by the University, Gen Stat is a data analysis tool used to manage and illustrate your data, summarize and compare, model relationships, design investigations and of analyse your experiments from the simplest of ANOVA’s right through to the most complex REML. While it won't replace a heavy-duty statistics program, Prism lets you easily perform basic statistical tests commonly used by laboratory and clinical researchers. GraphPad Prism is not available for install on student-owned devices. Vmware Fusion (this is to be ordered instead of Parallels): $81.GraphPad Prism – Combines scientific graphing, comprehensive curve fitting (nonlinear regression), understandable statistics, and data organisation.Microsoft Project: $106.29 Professional $63.80 Standard.Microsoft Visio: $54.69 -Professional $28.16 -Standard.STAT/Transfer: $69.00 (grad plan good for two years).Stata MP 2 core: $695 Stata MP 4 core: $995 Stata MP 6 core: $1145 Stata MP 8 core: $1295 Requires a license key STATA: Stata IC: $225 Stata SE: $395 Stata MP Version has different cores which start at 2, 4, 6 and 8 cores.Graphpad Prism: $50.00 License is active 10/9 – 10/9.SPSS Cost: $83.52 Annual Renewal (Expires 11/30) License active 12/1 to 11/30 Requires a license key.If you are in need of software not listed on the NUIT or Feinberg IT pages, please contact software (listed below) is available through Feinberg IT and can be purchased by contacting us at SAS statistical software: $89.90 Annual Renewal (Expires 8/31) License active 9/1 to 8/31 NUIT also lists available software on their website. New and reimaged computers come with the following standard software pre-installed.

Graphpad student